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Thomas Eaton Primary Academy home page

Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

Tiger Class - Year 2 and 3

Welcome to Tiger Class.


Your teacher this year is: Mrs Butterfield.

Other adults that support regularly in class are: Mrs Chapman, Mrs Baker, Mrs Webb, Mrs Prince and Miss Turner.

Our PE days are: Monday (indoors) and Friday (outdoors).

Please remove all jewellery for PE. 


Homework Expectations



We continue to expect everyone to read for at least 20 minutes, 5 times per week.

Children will have either an accelerated reader book or a book on their phonics level from their latest reading level. 

Children may need support with reading to promote reading for pleasure.

Please record reading in their reading record. 



Spellings are set every 2 weeks and will be shared on a Monday. 

Spellings will continue to be taught in class throughout the week. 

There will be a spelling test every other Friday and the main aim of this task is for children to use the correct spelling patterns for the week.