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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

Spring Term


In our new science unit, properties and changes of material, we have started to investigate the different properties. We used a closed loop electric circuit to find out whether objects within the classroom were insulators or conductors. 



We have had the maps out in geography! We have been developing our map skills. From understanding how to use a compass, to identifying 4 and 6 figure grid references. We have been using both digital and paper maps to identify our eastings and northings! 

The children have really enjoyed exploring the local area. We have some great road trip planned! 


We started the year with a whole day focused on Computing systems and networks, focusing particularly on search engines. Through our learning we developed our understanding on how search engines work and our searching skills to find relevant and accurate information. We used Sketchpad to create information posters about the different types of copyright and put our searching skills to the test by creating Emperor Penguin fact files in PowerPoint.