School policies and procedures cover every aspect of school life.
The majority of our school policies are adopted from The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust and can be viewed by visiting https://diamondlearningtrust.com/policies/
Our academy also has other local polices and appendices which are available to view below.
Paper copies of policies and documents can be provided on request.
Safeguarding Policies
- Thomas Eaton Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25
- DLPT Prevent Duty Policy 2024.pdf
- DLPT Whistleblowing Policy 2024.pdf
- Intimate Care policy 2024-25.pdf
- Intimate Care Plan and Record of Care.pdf
- DLPT EYFS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf
- Keeping children safe in education 2023.pdf
- Operation Encompass Protocol.pdf
- Fire and Evacuation Policy 2023.pdf
- DLPT Mobile Phone Policy.pdf
SEND Policies- to find out policies and for more information please visit our SEN section.
Complaints Policies
Teaching and Learning Policy
Whole School Policies
- DLPT Primary attendance policy Sept 2024.pdf
- Alternative Provision Policy.pdf
- Holiday Request Form Cambs 2024.pdf
- Educational Visits and School Trips Policy 2024.pdf
- DLPT Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- DLPT Acceptable Use Policy.pdf
- DLPT Equality and Diversity Policy.pdf
- DLPT Equality Information.pdf
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy.pdf
- E-Safety Policy
- Equal Opportunity statement.
- Calculation Policy 2023.pdf