Curriculum Intent
At Thomas Eaton children will gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing across a range of musical genres, styles, traditions and historical periods. Children will have opportunities to compose and perform both individually and as part of an ensemble using tuned and untuned instruments. We are committed to developing a curiosity of the subject, as well as an unbiased respect for the role music can play in a person’s life.
Curriculum Implementation
At Thomas Eaton, our Music curriculum is taught progressively so that it begins in the Early Years, where the children’s musical awareness is developed to support their imagination and creativity. Our continuous provision provides a multitude of opportunities for musical exploration. This early love of music is then developed throughout the school, whereupon, children are encouraged to perform, rehearse, sing and explore their own musicality. The individual strands of music are interwoven in lessons to create engaging, enriching learning that progresses through the years and throughout the key stages. In YR- Y3, pupils have a weekly music lesson taught by their class teacher and Y4-6 are taught in 3 half-termly blocks. Music lessons comprise of: performing, listening, composing, the history of music and the interrelated dimensions of music. Pupils knowledge is built upon year-on-year, and they are taught how to sing fluently and expressively as well as play tuned and untuned instruments with accuracy and control. They will learn to recognise and name the interrelated dimensions of music: pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics and use these in their own composition and improvisations. Using Kapow’s Primary Music scheme of work ensures that previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built on. Pupils also take part in weekly singing assemblies where they are able to hone their performance skills, celebrate diversity by learning new songs from other cultures as well as learning new key vocabulary and about the work of significant musicians through our 'Musician of the Month' presentations. Alongside our class-based curriculum offer, pupils are also able to engage as part of a rock band through peripatetic Rock Steady tuition, showcase their performance skills to others both in our school and the wider community and watch the performances of others through organised trips.