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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

Autumn Term

We have had a very busy start to the year learning how to be in Year 1. We have been working hard on learning class rules and expectations and are excited about some new subjects we will learn. 


We have particularly enjoyed our first History lesson 'Changes Within the Living Memory' where we spent time looking at pictures of ourselves and our peers as babies and found our introductory Science lesson of making volcanoes very exciting!


At the end of our first full week, we had our first year 1 art lesson where we could freely express ourselves through drawing with a range of media such as charcoal, oil pastels, HB pencils, metallic crayons, and chalk.

See below a picture of the class engaged in this.


We look forward to having a busy Autumn Term.

A very busy half term in Autumn 1 has started our learning of addition sentences, writing sentences based on our senses, and learning How the Weather Changes Throughout The Year. 


A particular favourite has been our art module- learning how to use various media and techniques to create a whole class project which is proudly displayed in the corridor. 


We explored different creation stories of how the world began and the children developed their own ideas and created art to represent their ideas- very interestingly one included a large monkey and a banana!


Lastly, in PSHE we have been talking about healthy living and our food tasting event was a particular favourite. We tried strawberries (soft and sweet), peppers (crunchy), honey (sweet), sugar snap peas (crunchy and spicy), and limes (sour!!)

Children in Need

Festive Friday

Autumn 2


In Autumn 2 we have been very busy learning how to add, subtract, and partition numerals- as well as showing Miss. Garner how clever we are with our 2D and 3D shape knowledge!


All of this while learning about animal classification, continents, oceans, nouns, subjects, verbs- and putting on a very Twinkly Nativity! 

Christmas week- saltdough ornaments, Christmas card threading, Creating a Christmas box.

Christmas Class Party!