School Meals
At Thomas Eaton
Catering provider
As from January 2023 the Trust has out-sourced the catering for the school to Aspens. Please see attached an Allergy and Intolerance form.
Aspens Catering
Fortnightly Menu
Cost = £2.55 per day
Payment in cash/cheque/online via Arbor should be made in advance.
Whilst provision can be made for children to eat packed lunch we do value the school meal as a part of their education, and would urge parents to choose the cooked meal for their children.
All our pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the day, keeping them hydrated. Each child is encouraged to bring a named drinks bottle for this purpose.
Every Key Stage 1 child is provided with an item of fruit at morning break and Key Stage 2 children may bring their own. No other snacks are permitted.
We pride ourselves that we have achieved ‘Healthy School’ status.
Being healthy, safe, cared for, having a voice and influence are fundamental prerequisites to being ‘ready to learn’ and achieving true potential – at any stage in our lives. Our aim is to help children and young people to grow healthily, safely and responsibly and to become active citizens who do their bit for society and for the environment.