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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

School Council

School Council


At Thomas Eaton Primary Academy, we respect and value the fundamental British values of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At the beginning of the year, the children elect school council members from each year group 1-6. All pupils are invited to stand as school council representatives and write and deliver a manifesto to their class. They are then voted for fairly and democratically by their peers. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are then voted for by the elected members of the School Council.


The School Council meet every month with Mrs Davies to discuss issues raised by the children and discuss ideas to help improve our school further. If you have any ideas or suggestions to help improve our school, please see your class representatives who will bring your suggestions to the next meeting. You can also find a 'suggestions' box in the school library. 


The School Council is an exciting and meaningful part of the school and the children who are elected are very proud of their responsibilities. Our School Council do a fantastic job and we are very proud of those who take part.



The Purpose of our School Council:

  • To act as a voice for all children in the school
  • To benefit the school
  • To benefit all pupils
  • To contribute to decisions within the school
  • To organise social events and fundraisers
  • To promote democracy


 School Council Rules – A Recipe for Success:

  • We will come to every meeting
  • We will listen to each other
  • We will respect each other’s views
  • We will act as a voice for our class
  • We will vote on any proposals
  • We will prepare/provide/present at this meeting if we are asked to
  • We will share our ideas and actions with our class
  • We will make sure things happen because of our meetings