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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All


Curriculum Intent


The geography curriculum at Thomas Eaton aims to stimulate children’s natural curiosity and fascination about the world around them. We hope to encourage the children to understand and embrace their place in the world as well as having an appreciation of the geographical aspects of their local area, the United Kingdom and the wider world.  


We aim to deliver relevant geographical knowledge linked to the key areas of locational, place and human and physical geography. This allows our children to build an understanding and appreciation of their world and the key human and physical processes within it. We endeavour to provide opportunities for geographical skills and fieldwork interwoven within the teaching to enable our children to experience geographical learning in a practical manner. Across the geographical curriculum, we encourage children to make connections and comparisons and reflect on the changing world around them. 


We follow the National Curriculum, and our curriculum is logically organised, using a two-year rolling programme of topics, with a clear sequence and structure built around the principles of advancing cumulative knowledge, supporting opportunities for children to associate and connect with places, spaces, scale, people, culture and processes. 

CUSP Geography Progression Cycle A and Cycle B