Scotland (Reception)
Welcome to Scotland Class
Our teacher is Mrs Davies and Mrs Payne, Mrs Newman and Mrs Baker support the children with their learning.
Children who begin their time at Thomas Eaton in our Pre-school or Reception Class are welcomed as part of our school from the very beginning. Parents are welcomed too and we pride ourselves on our good relationships with children and their families.
Our experienced and dedicated Early Years Team work closely together through Pre-school and Reception to ensure children are given the best educational start and develop a life long love of learning.
The aim of this class page is to provide updates on what has been happening in Reception.
Summer 1
This half term our topic has been 'World Explorers'. We have travelled the different continents and looked at transport modes to get there. We have looked at cuisines and made our own pizzas. The tasting part was our favourite! We have loved the warmer weather and being outside and have enjoyed creating our own forms of transport. We read 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' and designed our own boats using the iPads.
Spring 2
We have had a busy Spring 2 and our new topic 'Food, glorious food'. We have learnt about what seeds need to grow and have planted our own sunflower seeds which we are caring for in class. We are keeping a seed diary to monitor their progress and will be bringing these home at Easter (providing we haven't killed them!) We have celebrated 'World book day' this week and the children really enjoyed coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters.
Spring 1 continued
We have continued our learning on 'Wildlife Watchers' over the past couple of weeks and have loved learning about creatures great and small. We can tell you about nocturnal and diurnal animals as well as those which hibernate. We made caves out of clay for hibernating bears and painted them once dry. We've learnt about minibeasts too; going on a minibeast hunt around school ticking off everything we found. Worms and woodlouse were the most common. We even spotted two Thomas Eaton frogs nestling near Pre-School.
In our child initiated learning outside, we decided to create our own McDonald's drive through. We built this, wrote menus and took orders. Look at our great use of phonics!
Spring 1
Our new topic this half term is 'Wildlife Watchers'. We have read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods. We made habitats for animals using natural materials.
We travelled to Antarctica, where we learnt about the types of animals which live there. We have talked about different species of penguins and made our favourites. Check them out below.
We then moved onto China where we learnt to say 'Hello' and to count to ten in Mandarin. We learnt about native American animals and specifically beavers. We looked at their habitats and how they make their dams. We then had a go at making our own in the water tray.
Autumn 2 continued.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have linked our learning on circles and triangles. We looked at the work produced by the artist 'Kandinsky' and created our own masterpieces using his work as inspiration. We started by colour mixing a base and talking about what we noticed was happening to the colours. We then added a selection of triangles and circles. Don't our finished pieces look amazing!
We have also continued sharing traditional tales as part of our overall topic. We have enjoyed 'Jack and the beanstalk' and 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. We have thought about alternative scenarios for these stories through drawing club and we've created our own bears using different media. Here we used forks and paint!
Autumn 2. 30th October- 10th November.
What a busy start to Autumn 2! This half term our topic is 'Terrific Tales'. We have enjoyed the stories 'We're going on a bear hunt' and 'Hansel and Gretal' through our drawing club learning. We have made the confectionary house of the witch using junk modelling materials and enjoyed mixing potions in the water tray. In maths we have had a focus on shape; specifically circles and triangles and we have learnt the properties of these as well as going on a shape hunt around school. We have also learnt about Diwali and made our own Diya lamps in celebration. We have contributed to the school's remembrance display, by painting a poppy on a stone and these will be on display outside Mrs Johnson's classroom very soon.
Autumn 1. 9th-20th October
For the past couple of weeks, we have been learning about the human life cycle. We have talked about how we change as we grow older and have shared our own baby photos. We have discussed how we are different at the age of 4/5 and what we can now do independently, to when we were a baby. Our drawing club focus has been on 'We're going on a bear hunt' and we have loved coming up with our own ideas for getting across the river and what the bear's cave might look like. We have learnt the sounds ck, u, e, r, h, b, f and l and have practised forming these letters correctly. We are beginning to write CVC words such as 'sack' and 'fit' and segmenting and blending to read independently.
Autumn 1. 25th September- 6th October
We have been learning about 'People who help us'. We have played the role of a vet and cared for our home corner pets. We created animal masks and talked about our favourite animals both domestic and wild. We have also been dentists; learning how to keep our teeth clean and healthy. In addition to this, we have loved the mobilo construction and have built emergency vehicles for rescue operations. In maths, we have continued with our work on sorting and matching, and packed lunch boxes with the same items. From the week beginning 2nd October, we have continued our work on 'People who help us'; looking at the roles of bus drivers and life guards. We have talked about what jobs we might enjoy as adults and shared these thoughts with others. In maths we have worked on repeating patterns and made our own using items found in the classroom. Our drawing club focus has been 'The three little pigs' and we have enjoyed making different scenarios for the characters.
Autumn 1. 4th- 22nd September
What a busy start to Reception! We have explored our new learning environments both inside and outside and got to know our new teachers and friends. We have learnt the new rules of our classroom and wider school and learnt how to be ready for learning. We have started 'Drawing Club' and loved sharing the stories 'Not Now Bernard' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
In maths we have learnt to sort and match items and talked about objects that are the same. We have learnt the sounds s, a, t and p and will be bringing wordless books home on Friday 22nd September. Please ask us about the sounds we have been learning, we are very proud to be able to read and write these.
Our topic for this half term is 'Whoever we are'. We have talked about our families and who we live with. We have also painted self portraits, thinking very carefully about what we look like and the colour of our hair and eyes. Can you guess who we are?