Welcome to Kenya Class!
Welcome to Kenya class!
Kenya class is a mixed year 1, 2 and 3 class.
Our class teacher is Miss Green and we are supported by Mrs Randall and Mrs Fleet.
Autumn Term - 2023
We have already had a busy start to the year with our learning.
Year 1 and 2 spend the majority of the day together with their learning whilst year 3's join together to form their own smaller class for lessons.
Welcome Back Newsletter
Autumn Term 1 Knowledge Organisers
Brand New School Year!
- Monday 4th September 2023 -
We have started the year taking our 'first day of _' pictures. These pictures will be retaken at the end of the academic year to show children (and adults!) how much they have grown over the year.

Constructing Ferris Wheels
- Tuesday 17th October 2023 -
For our DT unit we were tasked with constructing a Ferris wheel using a range of materials, including card, lollypop sticks, masking tape and pipe cleaners. The children designed their Ferris wheels first in previous DT lessons and used their plan to support them with constructing their Ferris wheel that matches their original design. Children learnt about the key terms 'pods', 'axle' and 'axle holder'.
Wild Plants Investigation
- Friday 10th November 2023 -
For our plants science unit, children had a lesson focus on 'wild plants'. We took the opportunity to go outside onto the school field to identify any wild plants around the school grounds. We worked in pairs and used iPads to document any wild plants we found.
Other lesson in this science unit included looking at the four parts of a plant (flower, leaf, stem and root) and identifying what each of these parts do. We learnt that garden plants are helped to grow by people and wild plants grow all by themselves.

Creating Healthy Wraps
- Tuesday 5th December 2023 -
For our cooking and nutrition DT unit, we created some delicious, healthy wraps. During this unit children learnt the names of the main food groups and give examples of foods that belong in each group. Children used their fine motor skills to spread, chop and cut ingredients when creating their wraps.
- Wednesday 13th December 2023 -
Year 1 and 2 were joined by some KS2 children to put on their Christingle performance. We were lucky enough to put on our performance at the local church next to the school. The children practiced these songs in the lead up to their performance and they sang beautifully. We had some brave speakers from year 1 and 2 who read their lines in front of their peers and families. Everyone who attended enjoyed the performance and the children were very proud of themselves.

Christmas Celebrations!
- 18th - 20th December 2023 -
During the last week of term, everything was all about Christmas! The whole school had their Christmas dinner, we created Christmas decorations and had a class party. It was a fabulous way to end the year ready for Christmas.
Spring Term - 2024
Happy New Year!
We hope you've had a restful half term and are ready for another term of exciting learning. This term children will be continuing to develop their writing and mathematical skills, as well as computing, geography, science and art.
A reminder about school expectations of reading. Children should be reading at least 5 times a week. Year 1 children will have phonics books they take home and year 2 and 3 will take Accelerated Reader books home (unless accessing phonics).
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers
3D Shapes
- Monday 15th January 2024 -
Year 2 have been learning about the names and properties of 3D shapes. We had a key focus on the key vocabulary 'vertices', 'edges' and 'faces'. For this lesson, year 2 children organised the shapes into groups based on the shapes properties.

Class Debate
- Tuesday 5th February 2024 -
Our English unit this half term has been focused on 'Traction Man Meets Turbodog'. A key event in this book was a main character (Scrubbing Brush) being put in the bin by some parents. The class debated if the parents were okay to put Scrubbing Brush in the bin or not, thinking about the reasons the parents may have had for putting him in the bin and the feelings of the other characters.
We took a vote and the majority of the class thought the parents should not have put Scrubbing Brush in the bin. We then wrote a sentence sharing our choice and using the conjunction 'because' to explain our reasoning.

Making Doubles
- Thursday 8th February 2024 -
Year 1 have been working hard at learning their doubles within 10. To support us with learning our doubles, we each had a ladybird with no spots. Children used counters to place equal amounts on each side. Children then counted one side of the ladybird and understand that double that number is the total of the two sides. Some children challenged themselves with doubling numbers within 20!

Village Walk
- Tuesday 13th February 2024 -
Our geography unit this term has been based around mapping and fieldwork. As part of this unit, the children created their own map of the village. Key landmarks were included on the maps, including the school, the church and the park. Year 2 children were challenged to create a key for their map, using symbols to represent different landmarks. We decided to test out our new maps and use them to find the local park. After recapping road safety, the children followed their maps and found the local park. It was a wet walk but the children enjoyed themselves.
World Book Day
- Thursday 7th March 2024 -
To celebrate World Book Day, children across the school came to school dressed as their favourite book characters. We based our activities for the day on the book 'The Whale'. The children created their own paper boats and created artwork based around the story.

Red Nose Day
- Friday 15th March 2024 -
To celebrate and raise money for Red Nose Day, the children were able to come into school in non-uniform. The school council helped organise a range of games and activities children could pay 20p to play. A fantastic day and lots of money raised for a good cause!

Art - 3D Owls
- Wednesday 8th May 2024 -
As part of our 3D art unit, children were tasked with designing and building their own owls using recycled materials. Children were given full independence of their designs and what materials they used to represent different parts of the owl. The children worked extremely hard and persevered throughout the whole project.

Summer Term - 2024
Welcome Back!
We are now in our final term of the academic year which is going to be a very busy one!
A reminder of school expectations for reading:
children should be reading at least 5 times a week. Reading regularly can have a huge positive impact on a child and even though they are still very young, it will help shape their futures.
Summer Term Knowledge Organisers
DT - Sewing
- Thursday 23rd May 2024 -
For DT, children were exploring sewing, focusing on a running stitch. Children were asked to create four different designs for a pouch that they would then be making. Children chose their favourite design and used this plan to select the colours they would need for their pouch. A very tricky part of this task was threading the needle, but the children tried their best with this and were all resilient. The end products are absolutely fantastic!