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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

Autumn Term

Autumn Term 2024


We begin our Academic Year looking at "All About Me!" and the season of Autumn. 

Our family wall has grown as we share photos of our families. This has helped our children settle in and share lots about the people that are special to them. 


All about me, explore who we are by getting to know each other, create new friends and learn about ourselves, our communities and some seasonal celebrations. 

We will share stories such as "Things I like" by Anthony Browne, "You choose" by Nick Sharratt, "Peace at Last" by Jill Murphy, "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell and "Leaf Man"  by Lois Ehlert. An exciting and changing time of year where we have festival of Diwali, Fire Works, Remembrance, Samhain/Halloween and the festive season of Christmas.


We look forward to the term ahead and sharing our journey with you.



What's in the witch's kitchen?

This week we have been exploring surprises. The story includes lift the flap choices which we have really enjoyed exploring the different combinations, retelling the story and spotting some of the rhymes. It lead to lots of conversations of likes and dislikes. We've explored some different textures through sensory play and used descriptive words to talk about how it feels. 

Meg and Mog 

We have followed the children interest in Halloween celebrations and shared the story of Meg and Mog. We used picture clues to retell the story in the correct order. 


Owl Babies - Martin Waddell


The children took our book of the week and had an amazing time exploring it in so many different ways.

They created a collaborative owl collage using different materials and developing skills such as cutting, tearing, rolling, folding and dapping. Painting once again was popular as we explored making autumn colours and discovering how different colours are made. 

With owl baby puppets children retold the story and discussions of where Mummy owl had gone, about where they lived and the story continued through the week. We practised subitising with 3 baby owls. 

Owl Babies

Mixing and exploring paints

Things I like


As we are settling into our new school year we have welcomed new children into preschool. We are now onto our full sessions. Our focus has been on our Personal, Social and Emotional Skills, developing friendships, turn taking, expressing and identifying emotions and understanding the rules and boundaries within Koala class. We have been sharing the story "Things I like" by Anthony Browne and talking about our families. 

It has been a lovely positive start as we learn about each other and create our community.