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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

Spring Term


Drawing Club:

This January, the stories we have explored in drawing club are 'Room on the Broom, 'The Bear Hunt', animation - 'Mr

Benn - Zoo keeper' and the traditional tale 'The three billy goats gruff'.  



In maths, we have been studying length and height. We have started using the correct maths language, including 'longer', 'shorter',' 'taller', and 'smaller ', and we have begun organising items into the correct height and length order. 

We have also been exploring different ways of representing quantities, including showing amounts on one hand. Based on this learning, we have started to consider number bonds and discuss how we make our number bonds to 5. 




The children's phonics skills are continuously improving. This term we have started to explore phase 3 sounds. 


Continuous provision: 

This term we are focusing on 'All creatures great and small'. We are encouraging the children to think about growth. 

This January we have turned our roleplay area into a school. The children have been role-playing and teaching phonics to each other. 

In the maths area, we have been focusing on length, thinking about how long different items are.