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Thomas Eaton Primary Academy home page

Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All

About us

Welcome to Thomas Eaton Pre-School


Thomas Eaton Early Years welcomes children from 2 years old. We have intakes for September, January and April. This is term time only. 

We offer morning sessions for 2 year olds (8.45-11.45am) and all day sessions for 3 and 4 year olds (8.45am-3.15pm). 

Your child can also enjoy a school-cooked dinner if they so wish at an additional cost (available for children staying a full day).

Please note that sessions will only run if there is sufficient demand for them and will fluctuate termly.

Meet the staff

Mrs Gemma Calderwood, Pre-School leader.

Mrs Karen Anthony, Pre-School Teaching Assistant.

Miss Lisa Wren, Pre-School Teaching Assistant.

Between us, we have many years of Early Years expertise and are Paediatric First Aid trained.


Registering your child

If you would like to visit Pre-School or attend a stay and play session with your child, please use the main school telephone number 01354 740392.

To place your child on our waiting list or for an admission form please contact the school office.


To see some of the experiences our present preschool children have been enjoying please see the Preschool Class Page


Our ethos and values

This may be their first experience away from parents and carers or to be left with a group of children and unfamiliar faces.

Our main aim, during the first half term, is to settle them into routines, make friends with familiar faces and engaging with activities that they can explore. We promote the individual’s voice and fascinations, independence skills and positive behaviours within the group.

Young children’s memories are still in a very infant stage at this age. Through repeated activities, an engaging environment and allowing children to wallow in what they know we hope to build upon their breadth of skills and recall.

As Early Years Practitioner’s we understand children need to grow in self- confidence and self- assurance before they engage fully and progress in other areas.


Meeting with parents regularly and discussing changes in children’s behaviour and well-being, also celebrating our children’s achievements is vital to keep continuity and a consistent approach to the children’s learning journey.

We observe the children playing using several formats, such as: the class page on the school website, class floor book, display boards, post-its, narrative, photographs, group observations, all during independent and adult supported times, both inside and outside play.

These inform us of each individuals development in each area of learning: 3 Prime areas, Personal, Social, Emotional Development, Communication and Language Development, Physical Development and 4 Specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.


We plan activities so children can access a wide range of experiences, linking to all areas of the EYFS curriculum.

Engaging, focusing, thinking, linking ideas and being motivated whist playing comes under the title of ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ We record these on observations to give us deepening understanding to how children are self - exploring and informs us during our planning of next steps too. 


We applaud diversity and different family cultures and faiths within our community. Therefore, we do not expect each child to be at the same starting point at Baseline assessment, and we understand children all develop at different rates and times.

When we make a judgement about where the children are on Development Matters we understand children have all had different experiences in their lives, children are not labelled.

To help us get a holistic picture of the children’s level of development we arrange home visits. Together with the parents we discuss their children’s needs and other considerations.


We observe and ask questions to inform us about age appropriate development stages, including experiences in their children’s lives at home. We talk about behaviour management and risk taking within the setting and at home so the children benefit from a joint adult voice.

Parents are encouraged to share moments of achievements and experiences as a celebration of evidence from home and school, this can be done using Class Dojo. 

Our tracking process throughout the year is flexible to take on board changes in our children’s and family’s lives.

It is a good reflective practice that helps the practitioner with the child’s Next Steps, and how we can scaffold play and enhance the environment to maximise children’s progress with us.


We aim for every child to make progress with the goal for children to end the summer term being happy, and confident, to have met developmentally appropriate expectations ready to move on to Reception.





We offer Preschool places for eligible funded 2 year olds

Some 2 year olds are entitled to free early learning and childcare. The eligibility starts the school term after the child’s second birthday: 

Although not all 2 year olds are entitled to a free place, all children become eligible for free childcare and early learning places from the school term after their third birthday.


Either parent must be in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • Working Tax Credit provided your annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190
  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit provided your annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £15,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)


Or, the child:

  • has been adopted from local authority care
  • has been looked after by a local authority
  • has left care through a special guardianship or child arrangements order
  • is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance
  • has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan


If you have received a letter, parents/carers will need to complete the online application form to check your eligibility. The letter is not proof of entitlement as your circumstances can change.

For further information regarding eligibility please use the link below:

Please see below more information