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Thomas Eaton

Primary Academy

All for Learning and Learning for All


Extracting the DNA from strawberries

It’s the last half term in year 6!  We are still creating our writing portfolios, collecting pieces of writing in a range of different genres for the teachers to use in their final judgements.  This week it is instructions – starting with how to annoy your teacher (a subject on which many children are experts). We have finished our work on Electricity and are about to begin our Science study of Evolution and Inheritance.  In History, the children continue to enjoy their study of the Battle of Britain. 

Practising our Orienteering Skills

You may have heard in the news that this year's SATs were particularly hard, but I am proud to say that every child in year 6 absolutely did their best and worked their little socks off; many of them were working right up until the last minute of every paper, checking and rechecking their answers. We are all amazingly proud of them, and they should be proud of themselves.


It was not all hard work, however, as they loved their afternoons creating some amazing art works of Koi fish under layers of water. 


Now the SATs are over, we have turned our attention to Maths in everyday life – learning about the difference between gross income and take-home pay. The children will be working out the monthly take-home pay for their choice of occupation, researching housing costs and drawing up a budget that will show them just how much disposable income they will have to spend on themselves. 

Key Stage 2 Standardised Attainment Tests
The SATs take place over four days, starting on Tuesday 9th May ending on Friday 12th May. Monday 8th May is a bank holiday this year.
The SATs papers consist of:
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 1: GPS) – Tuesday 9th May
Grammar, punctuation and spelling (paper 2: Spelling) – Tuesday 9th May
Reading – Wednesday 10th May
Maths (paper 1: Arithmetic) – Thursday 11th May
Maths (paper 2: Reasoning) – Thursday 11th May
Maths (paper 3: Reasoning) – Friday 12th May
Writing is assessed using evidence collected throughout Year 6. There is no Year 6 SATs writing test.

SATs Information for Parents

The Summer Term is much more than SATs.  We are looking forward to some really exciting learning about the Battle of Britain, Electricity, Buddhism and Data Handling.  Frank class will be developing their painting skills in Art, exploring the Digital World in DT and using Orienteering to develop their map reading skills.  The Knowledge Organisers below provide a summary of the key knowledge and vocabulary that your children will be learning.  Have a look!

Design Technology - Playground Structures

Frank class love a bit of drama!  We are reading There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom.  In chapter 8, Bradley and Jeff plan to beat up the girls ... Year 6 created 'freeze frames' to show what they think may have happened next.

We had an exhilarating dance lesson learning some Bhangra moves!

Frank class has continued to enjoy There’s A Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom.  So far one boy has accidentally found himself in the girls’ toilets, but we don’t know if he will be the last.  The children have also been thinking about the character of Bradley – is he really a good boy deep down, as his mother thinks? Our history topic on the Windrush Generation is now over and we are beginning a unit of Art based on printing and textiles. 

Frank Class take their name from Anne Frank, the writer who spent two years in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam until she was captured and died in a concentration camp aged only 15.  Her diary is still widely read today and shows her strength of spirit and compassion.

Learning Grid for the Autumn Term

Welcome letter for parents and carers

Local History - World War Two - Knowledge organiser



READING: We expect the children to read for at least 20 minutes each time, at least five times a week.

ENGLISH: one piece of home learning which will be shared on Showbie.  This often practices a grammar point that has been learnt during the week.

MATHS; one piece of maths home learning , shared on Showbie, every week.

SPELLING;  the weekly spelling pattern and list of words is shared on Showbie.  It will really help your child if they practice these words during the week, ready for the final quiz on Friday.

Hilltop Adventure Centre - an exhilarating, exciting and exhausting experience!

World War Two day: the 1940s classroom and shopping.